About Your Tooth
Your tooth consists of two main parts: the crown, which is that part of the tooth above the gum and visible in your mouth; and the root or roots, which is that part of the tooth that lies beneath the gum and is surrounded by bone. Inside each root is a channel that runs the length of the tooth. This channel is the root canal and contains the pulp (nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissue), which is often referred to as the “nerve” of the tooth. The pulp may be irreversibly damaged by bacteria associated with decay, very deep restorations, fractures, trauma, or periodontal disease.
In order to preserve a tooth with internal injuries, we can clean and disinfect the canal system. This procedure is known as endodontic therapy. Since endodontic therapy is concerned with the already hollow tunnels, the root will continue to function normally because the supporting tissues remain intact.